Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Yes, it is that time of year again, and for my fellow Halloween lovers, here's a quick idea to nail a cute costume. As you get older, the amount of parties and events that are costume themed begins to go up. As a college student, you no longer have one BIG night to go door to door and beg for candy, you begin to have multiple different parties. And who wants to wear the same costume over and over again? But then again, who wants to spend $50 on each costume. Well luckily, you've decided to follow me! Here's a quick costume idea to spruce up any cute shirt.

Looks hot? Here's how:
Step 1: Cut out two oval-shaped pieces of colored felt that measure approx. 3"W x 4"L each (Use the color you plan on wearing/the color of the feathers you'll be using) Hot glue the feathers (available where most crafts are sold) in layers atop each felt oval, starting with the longest and finishing with the smallest and wispiest on top. Angle the feathers in anyway you'd like. If you want, add a smaller oval 1"W x 2"L on top of the feathers and add gems to spruce it up a little but more. Let dry for at least two minutes.

Step 2: Flip each oval over and hot-glue a snap hair clip ($2.49 for four; amazon.com) to the edge where the epaulet will attach onto the shirt. Let dry for at least five minutes

Step 3: Following the color scheme of your feathers, do a creative smokey eye with the colors. Tuck your feathered skirt into a high-waisted skirt and strap on some sexy heels of boots. No need for a beak, because you've nailed a sexy bird look!

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